Internet of Things for Agriculture 4.0: Impact and Challenges [Book]
$79.20 · Routledge
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Arrives Jan 22 – 30
: eBook
: Non-fiction
: Business / Economics, Science
eBook Format
: Apple Academic Press, paperback
This new book provides an insightful look at the varied and exciting uses and applications of Wi-Fi and the Internet of Things in agriculture. With internet-enabled communications becoming more widely available, farms and agricultural establishments can take advantage of these new technologies for a wide range of farm operations, such as crop management, farm vehicle tracking, livestock monitoring, storage monitoring, and more. - The collected data from these devices can be stored in the cloud system or server and accessed by the farmers via the internet or mobile phones. This book shows the many benefits to farmers from applying Io - T, including better utilizing information for monitoring crops, optimizing water use, planning effective fertilization strategies, and saving time and reducing the operation expenses. - Topics include using Io - T for vertical farming, Io - T-based smart irrigation system, landslide susceptibility assessment, automated aeroponics systems, crop survival analysis, and more. The volume also considers the challenges of Io - T in agriculture, such as the requirements of applications of wireless sensor networks, the threat of attacks and the detection of vulnerabilities in wireless sensor networks, and more. - Internet of Things for Agriculture 4.0: Impact and Challenges provides a better understanding of the time- and resourcing-saving benefits of wireless sensors and remote monitoring devices in agriculture. The volume will be useful for those involved in agricultural operations as well as scientists and researchers, and faculty and students in agriculture and computer and information science engineering.
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