: Medical, Science, Study Aids
Teaching Books
: Exam Prep
This new 7th edition includes hundreds of new questions and dozens of updated and revised questions from the previous edition to make this study tool state of the art. Concise and condensed, this new ASCP Study Guide 7th Edition is perfectly tailored for study according to the current BOC content outlines for the MLS and MLT exams. Key Features: 2,562 questions New, larger size, allowing room for note taking Color coding for explanation/citation pages for easier access More image-based questions (as applicable) Index of questions by content outline for each certification Expanded test preparation tips Expanded explanation discussions with built in images/figures from the questions (as applicable) Standard BOC reference ranges used in examination (as applicable) Answer Key Appendix for easier access Citations to current QCMLS throughout Rated for both domestic and international certifications (as applicable) To assist is examination preparation, there are many more image-based questions than in any previous ASCP BOC Study Guide Editions, concentrated in Urinalysis/Body Fluids, Hematology and Microbiology. Current standards, regulations, best practices are tested, especially in Blood Bank, Microbiology, Hematology, and Laboratory Operations. All questions are in a typeface that emulates the actual exam itself, and tabular data presentation is enhanced for easier readability, making the new 7th edition study guide more visually useful for exam prep than ever before.