inauthor:"Diané Collinson" from
These are questions to which oriental thinkers have given a wide range of philosophical answers that are intellectually and imaginatively stimulating.
inauthor:"Diané Collinson" from
Close exposition and analysis of 50 major thinkers in Eastern philosophy and religion form the core of this introductory text. The authors examine such figures as Zarathustra, Confucius, Mohammed, Mao Tse Tung, Nishitani and Gandhi.
inauthor:"Diané Collinson" from
Designed as a reference tool for students and writers, Fifty Major Philosophers provides brief biographical data on each philosopher as well as extensive exegetical commentary on his work.
inauthor:"Diané Collinson" from
The book opens with an introductory quiz, which gives a broad idea of the subject matter covered and helps readers to identify those sections which will be of most use.
inauthor:"Diané Collinson" from
Addresses the sensitive and complex issues of suicide and euthanasia. The authors provide a summary of the positions and controversies surrounding life and death, covering the various approaches employed in dealing with these issues.
inauthor:"Diané Collinson" from
Polish translation of "Fifty major philosophers, a reference guide". Biographies of 50 of the world philosophers who contributed the most to ourknowledge of the world and of ourselves.