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... ofthe Aranda MARINDI — ancestral dog whose blood turned the rocks red PUNDJEL — creator god who та0е 111е first human being WATl-KUTJARA -two lizard men of Central Australia YURLUNYUR — ancestor of the Murngin ofthe northern Australia ...
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... ofthe genus Enallagma in the United States west ofthe Rocky Mountains, and identification of certain larvae by discriminant analysis. University of California Publications in Entomology 105:1-129. Glick, P.A. 1939. The distribution of ...
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... ofthe requirement to disperse halfthe group, but not ofthe order that Clare should disclose the names and addresses ofthe group. Thus, liability may arise only in respect ofthe failure to comply with the former condition. Clare made ...
ofthe from
... ofthe tension. Eyes. Squeeze your eyes togethertightly, hold the tension, and then slowlylet go ofthe tension. Nose. Wrinkle up your nose and spread your nostrils, hold the tension, and then slowlylet go ofthe tension. Face. Put a ...
ofthe from
... ofthe marine Mollusca in the northwest Gulf of Mexico (a continuing monograph), superfamily Fissurellacea. Texas Conchologist 25(1): 33–44. Odé, H. 1989a. Distribution and records ofthe marine Mollusca in the northwest Gulf of Mexico ...
ofthe from
... ofthe positing function = positional character = thetic character. General: General-T. ofthe natural standpoint and its disconnexion 30; ultimate source ofthe general-T.: sensory experience 39 b; T. ofthe world and ofthe pure Ego 46 bc; T.
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... ofthe utricle and saccule that contains receptors for static equilibrium. macula lutea The area ofthe retina immediately behind the pupil (macula = spot; lutea = yellow). malignant Refers to a cancerous tumor that is harmful, invasive ...
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... ofthe subfamily Trombidiinae (Acarina : Trombidiidae) with a critical revision ofthe genera. Australian Journal ofZoology Supplementary Series 123, 1–116. Southcott, R. V. 1986d. History ofthe discovery of Speleognathus australis ...