THE UNI ICHIGAN THE UNI Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation N76-18682 # ( U. S. Congress ) . ANALYSIS OF ENERGY SUPPLY , CONSERVATION , AND CONVERSION Business Use Tax , Tax Treatment of Railroads , Home Insulation , etc ...
United States - Foreign relations - Continued Legislation , Proposed * United States . Senate ... Joint com . on the re- organization of the administrative branch of the govt ... committee on the reorganization of the administrative ...
Annual Cumulation Public Affairs Information Service. United States - Foreign relations -- Continued Legislation , Proposed * United States . Senate . Com . on for . relations . Recognition of Russia : hearings before a subcommittee ...
United States. Superintendent of Documents. ENLISTED RESERVE CORPS , Army Continued . Feb. 27 , 1940. 2 p . ( H. rp . 1685 , 76th Cong . 3d sess . In v . 1 ; 10440. ) [ For law see , above , Congress . ] Extending benefits of employees ...
United States. Congress. House. BULWINKLE , ALFRED J. - Continued . Motions and propositions made by 3 Speaker's table : take from Senate Con- current Resolution 38 , 170 . Speaker's table , take from , Senate Joint Resolution 148 , 673 ...
Reform in World War I-era South Carolina Janet Hudson. Report of the Joint Special Committee on Revenue and Taxation ... States . Bulletins 38 and 39. Washing- ton , D.C .: GPO , 1917 . U.S. Bureau of the Census . Fourteenth Census of the ...
United States. Superintendent of Documents. INLISTED RESERVE CORPS , Army - Continued . Feb. 27 , 1940. 2 p . ( H. rp . 1685 , 76th Cong . 3d sess . In v . 1 ; 10440. ) [ For law see , above , Congress ... COMMITTEE , Senate . Benefits ...
Tells the story of the growing Chinese Navy - The People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) - and its expanding capabilities, evolving roles and military implications for the USA.